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Friday, October 15, 2004


President Is A Regular Guy

    I saw a link to Richard Cohen's column at the Washington Post saying why he was going to vote for Shrub:
The president I have in mind is the funny, good-natured regular guy I once saw on the campaign trail -- a man of surprisingly quick wit and just plain likeability. I contrasted this man to John Kerry, who is as light and as funny as a mud wall, and I thought, "There goes the election."
    What the fuck do I want a "regular guy" running the country for?  THAT'S NOT A VALID REASON TO VOTE FOR SOMEONE TO BE LEADER OF THE FREE WORLD.  ... or the repressive, dictatorship portion of the world, either, come to think of it. 
    Our president should be exceptional, outstanding, sharp on his feet, a diplomat, a uniter not a divider, and simply not George W. Bush.  Why do people think that being a 'regular guy' equates to The Best Leader We Can Find?  It doesn't.  My neighbor is a regular guy, I don't want him running my neighborhood association, much less the fucking country.  W has blown it on everything he's gotten his greedy mitts on!  There's more to leading the world than being likeable!
    [Not sorry, I just had to vent.  We now return you to your regularly scheduled surfing...]

Regular guy..Hah! The regular guys I know aren't pampered sons of billionaires who can't put 5 words together to make a sentence. Even if I agreed with the argument (which I don't) that our president should be someone we could relate to, I can't relate to someone who has had everything handed to him on a silver platter...including the presidency. Thanks Daddy.

[Too lazy to sign up....your wife's cousin, Leslie]
You know, I was watching 60 Minutes last night, and Andy Rooney put it in a way I hadn't thought of, before: He said that Bush iS very good for the wealthy in America, that class of people that so many of us wish we could join.

Now that's an interesting thought. What if the psychology of support for Bush is because people identify with the wealthy because they'd like to BE wealthy. That seems a little ridiculous, to me. But at the same time, it does make some sense, doesn't it? If I've never been bullied, then the life of a bully might look pretty good, eh?

Food for thought, I guess...

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