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Wednesday, October 27, 2004


Hasta La Vista, Shrub!

    Sayonara, BABY!  You're history!  Start packing, 'cause we're sending you back to Crawford! 
    (Explanation:  I voted yesterday!  YAY!)

Monday, October 25, 2004


No, Really

    I was at the grocery store recently and the guy in front of me was finishing up his purchase.  He signed his receipt and handed it back to the cashier who said "Thank you, Mr. Bullwinkle, have a good night."
    [...]  Uh, what did he just say?  Did he just call that guy "Mr. Bullwinkle"???  Really?  No, REALLY???  "Mr. Bullwinkle"?!


Weekend Recap

    I've come in to possession of the Scrubs reruns I was looking for, as well as the Coupling reruns I was also looking for.  I spent much of the weekend catching up on Scrubs (season 2 of 4) and Coupling (seasons 1 & 2).  I'm here to tell you:  That's a lot of TV!  Oy!
    But one neat thing is that I found out a lot more about the characters on Scrubs, and that was pretty cool.  They're not shallow archetypes of characters, they're deeper than that.  You don't get that in sitcoms much, do you?  I especially like the character of the tormenting senior doctor, Perry Cox, "Coxy" to those residents trying to irritate him, and "Percival" to his immasculating wife/ex-wife.  He gets some really fun, belittling rants, but his humanity really shows through once every couple or three episodes and you find that he's not, as he called humanity recently, "Bastard coated bastard with a creamy bastard filling".  I want more Coxy.  Scrubs rocks.
    Coupling got a little tiring.  But I've still got more to go, and I'm committed to this, so I will press forward!  I saw their 1st episode and it was funny to see how closely the American pilot mimicked the English pilot and yet, the American pilot flopped so BADLY! 

Saturday, October 23, 2004


We could never have known?

    I've just run across the synopsis for a 1999 movie called, "Delta Force 5:  Random Fire".  Can you believe there were at least 5 Delta Force movies?  Anyway, here's the synopsis from DirecTV:  In Kenai a suicide bomber flies his plane into a bridge while a US senator is crossing it by train.
    I keep hearing from Condi Rice & Co. that no one could have expected a plane to be flown into a building.  I always thought that asking me to believe a lot.


Friday, October 15, 2004


President Is A Regular Guy

    I saw a link to Richard Cohen's column at the Washington Post saying why he was going to vote for Shrub:
The president I have in mind is the funny, good-natured regular guy I once saw on the campaign trail -- a man of surprisingly quick wit and just plain likeability. I contrasted this man to John Kerry, who is as light and as funny as a mud wall, and I thought, "There goes the election."
    What the fuck do I want a "regular guy" running the country for?  THAT'S NOT A VALID REASON TO VOTE FOR SOMEONE TO BE LEADER OF THE FREE WORLD.  ... or the repressive, dictatorship portion of the world, either, come to think of it. 
    Our president should be exceptional, outstanding, sharp on his feet, a diplomat, a uniter not a divider, and simply not George W. Bush.  Why do people think that being a 'regular guy' equates to The Best Leader We Can Find?  It doesn't.  My neighbor is a regular guy, I don't want him running my neighborhood association, much less the fucking country.  W has blown it on everything he's gotten his greedy mitts on!  There's more to leading the world than being likeable!
    [Not sorry, I just had to vent.  We now return you to your regularly scheduled surfing...]


Four More Years of This???

Police fire on crowd of Bush protesters
    (Rural Oregon, of course)
    Actually, my fear is that if we get 4 more years of this crap, then it will mean a great deal more than this kind of repression.  I'm afraid it will mean internment camps and disappearances of those not toeing the conservative line.  Take this shit seriously.  Those already held on suspicion of terrorism are already disappearing, and they're not even CONVICTED of anything.

Thursday, October 14, 2004


That Thing On Shrub's Back

    ... might be one of these?
    (Credit for this cute joke actually goes to Tom Tomorrow.  He's purty funny.)

Monday, October 11, 2004


Bush's mystery bulge

Interestingly, Portland's local Fox affiliate reported this story in their morning news, today.  They didn't give any detail or answers, just that people are starting to wonder about the box on Shrub's back.


Wednesday, October 06, 2004


Grammatical Hoot

    Well, that was funny.  A coworker of mine just brought to my attention that the LCD display on the office copier "is literally gone."  Of course, I have an image in my mind of a gaping hole in the face of the copier with electronic connectors and wires hanging loose.
    She meant that it was lot working, of course.
    Tired rant though it may be, what sloppy speakers we are. 


Tuesday, October 05, 2004


Quiet Volcano

    That volcano that keeps burping 50 miles away?  It's pretty far away.  People in Portland don't seem very worried.  I know I don't feel worried about it.  We might get a little ash, which I hear can tear up the engine in your car.  Otherwise, it's a little excitement on the local news.
    Still, I have no interest in going up there and getting a closer look!  Wouldn't I feel like an idiot?  Getting killed up there?  You bet I would.



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